
Agretechs’ main facility in Dracut is MA DEP-approved and permitted to receive clean asphalt, concrete and brick (ABC) as well as other clean or natural materials.  Each delivery received on site is checked, weighed and photographed prior to entering the yard area for stockpiling and later processing.

The scale operator observes each load prior to ticketing and communicates directly via radio to the yard operators to ensure no unsuitable materials are received and customers are billed correctly for the types of material received.  Materials are mostly priced by the ton, including Roll Offs, others by the load.

Asphalt & Brick & Concrete (ABC)


Agretech Ordering and Conversion Calculator

Estimate the number of cubic yards needed based on input, length and depth. This calculator helps provide approximate ordering quantities for sand, stone, loam and other materials.
Enter length and width in feet and depth in inches to calculate cubic yards of material required.
Reset Calculate
Cubic yards
Calculations of yards needed.
Approx. Tons
General conversion calculation for tons using 1.3 tons per cubic yard, per the calculation above.